Senior Residences/living communities arguments- send questions to Brian on Monday, he will answer
They don't want the residents to move out
Nela will go through the article for senior residences again.
B2C product is already used by one friend of Brian
Marco Polo version free - they get a lot of feedback from our customers - the issue is we don't get enough people to use it.
Any analytics on the article of Brian - what does trigger the redaer to hit the button schedule a call (maybe try a heatmap, maybe try the UTM code).
Prepare a new form on the website for shceduling a call with Brian so he can add utm codes to url and track it in GA
Weekly meetings - we set it up
Ježíškova Vnoučata - this is how it's beeing done in the Czech Republic, they really care about their elderly there, on Monday I'll send you some bullet points and then you write the article
Brian will prepare a list of residences/living communities he wants to approach and Nela will then find the person and possible contact email address
The product is not being used - Brian said (Prestige looked like it's big opportunity but in the end it isn't)
- ask what's happening there
Bainbridge - Tomas worked with them several months but in the end he didn't have the decicion maker and they probably don't have budget